
Source Code Movie Review by Tony T.

 Many stereotype Sci-Fi as Star Trek conventions, social retardation and obsessed middle-aged men living in their parent’s attics. Yet, despite this stigma there are often Sci-fi films that manage to break the mould and are actually considered (whisper it) cool. From Star Wars through to the The Matrix, a good Sci-Fi film appears to become more than a gimmick – it almost becomes religion (hands up who registered as Jedi in the Census?). In recent years Marvel and DC may have ruled the roost of geek chic cinema but with the release of Inception last year Sci-Fi is back, It’s fresh and it’s time for the new generation to become obsessed. So what better way to indoctrinate this new Sci-Fi revolution than with Source Code. Duncan Jones’ Sci-fi thriller may sound like a straight to DVD disaster but from the first scene it grabs you and does what all great Sci-fi – in fact all what great films do – it makes you think. Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal) wakes on a train. He has no idea how he a